The undergraduate program offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Chile delivers the academic degree of Bachelor of Engineering Sciences, mention in Electrical and the professional title of Electrical Civil Engineer after 11 semesters of study.

Our program prepares professionals with extensive training, capable of applying science and the scientific method to the analysis and solution of technical-economic problems in the specialty.

The study plan of the career consists of a four-semester program, which belongs to the Common Plan of the FCFM, which provides an important training in basic sciences that makes a difference in the undergraduate training of future engineers and scientists.

At the end of the Common Plan courses, students can opt for the Electrical Civil Engineering career, where students study another 4 semesters (5-8) to obtain the Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Electrical mention. After the end of the eighth semester, another 3 semesters (9-11) are taken, in which students can obtain their specialty.