Teaching Technical Committee (TTC)

The Teaching Technical Committee (TTC) of EED is chosen by the Head of Teaching and this is responsible for making a periodic review of the profile of graduation and academic mesh of the career of Electrical Civil Engineering, also to ensure the proper functioning of teaching work in general.

Ensuring Curricular Coherence

Ensure curricular coherence from the continuous review of the graduate profile, in terms of its content and suitability for the world of work, until the revision of the Curriculum to ensure the achievement of said graduation profile.

Safeguarding the Relationship of Competences

Safeguard the relationship between the competences declared in the graduation profiles (generic and specific) and curricular activities, declared in the course programs and carried out in class.

Manage Programs

Maintain updated versions of course programs, including their requirements, consistent with curricular modifications made.

Detect needs

Detect needs (e.g. global results of the teacher survey or interviews with students, graduates or other academics of the department) and promote instances of teacher habilitation.

Articulate their needs with the support agencies of the school and faculty.

Promote Research and Teacher Support

Promote educational research in their disciplinary area. There are currently publications of international prestige in the field of research education, particularly in engineering education.

Support the work of the teaching heads and coordinations, in the curricular themes.

Members TTC

Álvaro Silva

Partial Journey Teacher

Andrés Caba

Head of Studies

Claudia Rahmann

Head of Teaching – President

Gabriel Chavez

Students Representative

Jorge Silva S.

Associate Proffesor

Pablo Estévez

Senior Lecturer Proffesor