First year
For the first year, students may receive a scholarship for a reduction of the tuition fee of approximately $1,700,000 per year, adjusted by the ICP each year. For this reduction it will be necessary to have a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 5.0.
Second year
With a minimum grade of 5.5 in the Master’s program, students may receive a scholarship for a reduction of the tuition fee with an approximate reference value equal to $1,700,000 per year (adjusted by ICP each year).
Third year
Students who remain in the master’s program in the third year will have to pay the full tuition for the semester, which is equivalent to UF 75.
Exceptionally, and in justified cases, a maximum 30% fee reduction will be granted in the fifth semester of permanence. For this exception, the student must present a work plan to defend the thesis within that semester and a letter of support from the guiding professor.
First year
For the first year, students may receive a scholarship for a reduction of the tuition fee of approximately $1,700,000 per year, adjusted by the IPC each year. For this reduction it will be necessary to have a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 5.0.
Second year
With a minimum grade of 5.5 in the Master’s program, students may receive a scholarship for a reduction of the tuition fee with an approximate reference value equal to $1,700,000 per year (adjusted by IPC each year).
Third year
Students who remain in the master’s program in the third year will have to pay $1,000,000 for each semester, adjusted by ICP each year.
Minimum requirements
- Have been accepted or studying the Master’s program in Engineering Sciences, Electrical Mention.
- Students of the University of Chile (FCFM) with free or another similar scholarship that covers 100% of the undergraduate fee.
- Good academic performance.
This scholarship will consist of a fee exemption for the expected duration of the program (2 years).
To define those selected, their academic background and socioeconomic situation will be considered. The call for Scholarships may be void if the established requirements are not met.
Scholarship to promote the participation of women in the specialty of Electrical Engineering granted by the Department of Electrical Engineering.
The requirements to apply are the following:
- Have been admitted or studying the Master’s Program in Engineering Sciences, Electrical Mention.
- Good academic performance.
The “EED Luz Chuaqui Jahiatt Master’s Scholarship” will consist of exemption from payment of fees during the program, with a maximum of 2 years (Duration of the program) or until the student completes the maximum time of permanence in the program (3 years). ; The thing that happens first.
- Fee Reduction Scholarship: Active students of the PhD program may apply to request a 50% reduction in the semester fee, for said application it will be necessary to be working on a research project with a professor from the DIE Academic Senate.
- Graduate School Doctoral Scholarships: Aimed at active students of the Doctoral program, granted for 1 semester and with the possibility of renewing for 1 more semester (not compatible with Conicyt scholarship)