The central interest of the IDS (Information and Decision Systems Group) initiative is inverse problems in the presence of uncertainties that may arise as instances of decision and estimation tasks.
The group works actively both in applied research and in the development of new methods and theoretical results.
It is made up of three academics with training and proven experience in estimation and decision, information theory and statistical learning, filtering and prediction, signal processing, device and sensor design.
- 6 workstations
- 10 jobs
- 2 laser printers and other equipments
- FONDECYT regular 1110145.
- FONDECYT regular 11110384.
- FONDECYT regular 1090138.
- FONDECYT regular 11070022.
- FONDECYT regular No 1110070.
- Innova-CORFO 11IDL1-10409.
- Advance Mining Technology Center (AMTC) internal funding suport.

Jorge Silva Sanchez
Responsible Academic