Energy and Drives Laboratory
Investigating the potential associated with non-conventional renewable energies and their insertion both in electrical systems and in isolated microgrids.
In addition, various types of non-conventional renewable generation are validated, generating the appropriate experimental conditions through the facilities, being able to study their systemic impact in a microgrid located in the premises.
The laboratory has a microgrid of six bars of concentrated parameters associated with a SCADA system in conjunction with various test loads (motors, capacitors, resistors) and measurement instruments such as network analyzers.
In addition, it has a wind tunnel with a wind generator, a solar tracking system with 10 100 [W] monocrystalline silicon panels (located on the roof) connected to a 4600 [W] grid tie inverter.
Among other equipment, it has multimeters, power supplies, oscilloscopes and electronic components in general.
- Solar tracking system in Department of Electrical Engineering, U. de Chile
- Huatacondo microgrid
- Microformer
- Eolian project

Dr. Patricio Mendoza
Electrical Engineering Department
Universidad de Chile