The Diagnosis and Prognosis of Failures Laboratory is an academic and research space specialized in the diagnosis and forecasting of failures in various systems and contexts. Dedicated to the advanced study and development of innovative methods, a laboratory that is at the forefront of failure prediction in complex systems and decision-making in uncertain environments.
Our main objective is to develop and apply methodologies that allow more efficient and safe operations and designs in environments with high uncertainty.
Through the study and technological development, we work to facilitate the insertion of renewable energies and electromobility, as well as the development of applications in micro-grids. This work has a significant impact on creating sustainable energy solutions, and improving the resilience of our energy systems and electromobility applications.
- 300W programmable load unit
- Z8 temperature and humidity chamber
- Programmable DC load
- Digital oscilloscopes
- Potentiostat/galvanostat
- Programmable DC power source
- Measuring instrument SMU Li-Ion battery.

Dr. Marcos Orchard
Electrical Engineering Department
Universidad de Chile