The computer vision laboratory was created in 2001. Its central interest is the development of new paradigms in computer vision, as well as the application of image processing, machine learning and computational intelligence techniques to solve computer vision and pattern recognition problems.
Its main lines of research are: analysis of faces in images and videos (detection, recognition, tracking); detection and tracking of humans; object detection and recognition and scene analysis; vision in mobile robots (self-localization, tracking, visual SLAM).
Cameras (visible spectrum and thermal spectrum), depth sensors (Kinect and Laser). Desktop computers and computers for scientific calculation.
- “Semantic Perception and Mapping for Mobile Robots in Unconstrained Environments”. FONDECYT Regular 1130153- 201. Main Researcher: Javier Ruiz-del-Solar.
- “Boosting Learning Algorithms for Multiclass Classification and Multidimensional Regression: Applications to Object Detection and Classification”, FONDECYT Postdoctorado – 2011 – 3120218. Main Researcher: Rodrigo Verschae.
- “Hybrid model based markerless 3D tracking for augmented reality and visual servoing”, 2010, Co-financed with the TIC-AMSUD y CONICYT program. Main Researcher: Javier Ruiz-del-Solar.
- “ROBUST AND FAST VISION SYSTEMS FOR HUMANOID ROBOTS”, FONDECYT Regular – 2009 – 1090250. Main Researcher: Javier Ruiz-del-Solar.

Prof. Dr. Javier Ruiz del Solar
Electrical Engineering Department